Cream Puffs

Cream Puffs
These are french vanilla filled puffs

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What to Make Next?

I have been dabbling a lot lately. We just came back from Disney. One of our stops was Universal Studios Orlando and of course Harry Potter Land. I love Harry Potter. That said, I got pumpkin juice while I was there and butter beer.
I got bored the other night and started to play. I was able to recreate the Pumpkin Juice. My son said he liked it better than what was in the park. Butter Beer is going to take a little more science because of the complex level of the flavor. But that not to say I'm trying.
Then there is the Chai Tea project. Just something I am beginning with mixing. Its a fall month. So I have been working on breads and scones. Not the Utah scones, real ones. Pumpkin scones. I am toying with the idea of putting all this on Etsy or actually building a website that I can have people purchase items off of...

Its all a work in progress..
These were the pumpkin scones I had made before I labeled them.
This was at the Farmers Market.

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