Cream Puffs

Cream Puffs
These are french vanilla filled puffs

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Base Store

The base store is slow.  They told me that they expected more people to be shopping but with the economy, Not so much.

It comes and goes in spirts. This past weekend it seemed ok. I got a cake order and I came up with some cranberry and orange scones, chocolate chip scones, pumpkin spice doughnuts, and a 6" birthday cake to put at the flower shop for them to sell. I hope it does. I will have to call mid week to see how it went and if I should bring more for the weekend.

Its hard to know what is going to sell and what isn't. Each day seems a bit different. I will load picture another night of what I am making for the base.

Some days I feel like loosing hope that I am crazy and going into business for myself seems like a super crazy idea.

Well if anyone reads these, encouragement is welcome. Am I crazy for writing a blog about the trials and tribulations I am doing? Is this all worth the effort?


  1. Starting any kind of business take grit & gumption, which you seem to have in abundance. You have many cheering for your success here in IL. I know I look forward to reading your blogs!

  2. Keep up the good work Lisa :0) As Mr. Tim Gunn says, "Make it work!"
