Cream Puffs

Cream Puffs
These are french vanilla filled puffs

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Culinary School and my project

I have started my Culinary school experience. That being said, happy dance. I am at the Art Institute of Salt Lake and so far I love it. We had to come up with a group project for our Theory class. I chose "The Big Waste". It was something that I saw recently on Food Network.  It was a competition with celebrity chefs who had to make dinner using the "waste" products of fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. It was appalling the amount of food this country wastes, simply because it has a small ding or dent in it. We as consumers have focused only on what is perfect.There is so much that goes to waste. An example they showed was a crop of sweet corn that was recently hit by the hurricane. The farmer is going to have to throw it all out because it was laying down. He said that no one would want to pick it because it was laying down. That's crazy. He said that people think there is something wrong with it other than it was laid down by a storm.
This food can be used to feed the many, many homeless people and those who can't afford food. What is wrong with everyone? I understand it has to be inspected to make sure it is safe for people to eat. Aside that, why do we have to throw it out?

I am asking anyone and everyone to help me out on this project. It is all hypothetical, but I want to see what it would cost for a regular person to get a hold of this food. What are the prices to pay, how do I get it inspected? Anything you can think of to help me out with information on this.

I was really glad that I caught this show, and kind of feel its a cause worth making people aware of in this country. I commend the chefs that took the challenge. I would love to pick their brains about it.

Side note:
Me  in my new whites. I am really in Culinary school and really excited to be doing this.

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